sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2011
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vineri, 30 decembrie 2011
Completely Gratuitous
Someone get us an oxygen tank! We're having trouble breathing over here at the SMOKESHOW!
Damn, Matt Bomer! You look extraordinarily HAWT!
Last night, Matt attended an event at the New York Public Library put on by his White Collar network, USA.
Any excuse the network wants to use to parade him around is FINE by us! [...]
It would be such a shame to see this place close down!
He truly was such a wonderful man, and an icon who should not be forgotten!
The Jimmy Stuart Museum, which is located in the actor's hometown of Indiana, PA, is facing serious financial hardship, and could close down if the cash flow doesn't increase!
Executive director Timothy Harley, who is the museum's only full-time employee, says:
“It’s touch and go right now. We need a cash influx to help us get through this challenging time. We used to see 10 to 15 charter bookings per month in September and October. This year, we did not have five between both months combined. Attendance in 2009 was 6,500 and this year it's down to about 5,000. Plus, our state funding has dropped from $5,500 per year to $1,400.”
Museum host Pat Ward continues:
“This museum’s not just about Jimmy Stewart — it’s about America. His life takes us through the life of The Greatest Generation.”
Very true! The man gave up his career to go and serve his country!
We wonder how many actors would do the same in today's time!
For anyone who feels sentimental after watching It's A Wonderful Life this holiday season and wants to help keep the icon's memory alive, CLICK HERE!
[Image via WENN.]
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For Your Consideration!
Academy Awards nominations don't just happen. They require campaigning!
CLICK HERE for a great photo gallery of all the "For Your Consideration" ads for Academy voters!
CLICK HERE for a great photo gallery of all the "For Your Consideration" ads for Academy voters!
CLICK HERE for a great photo gallery of all the "For Your Consideration" ads for [...]
We sent our "special" correspondent La Coacha to cover the red carpet at KIIS FM's Jingle Ball holiday concert in LA on Sunday night and…
She practically molested Ryan Seacrest, as well as had some very colorful encounters with Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Nelly, Joey McIntyre, AJ McLean, Taio Cruz, B.O.B., Hayley Williams, DJ Pauly D, David Henrie and more!
You must watch it all (above)!
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that stopped to talk to her and having fun with us!
P.S. What happened with La Coacha and Travie McCoy and his publicist/manager/handler person was OUR FAVORITE part of the video!!! LOL so hard!
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Les News, 120410
Here is this week’s batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers — Jenny sends in a cute but really sad photo of her baby boy Parker lookin’ none-too-pleased to be sitting on Santa Claus‘s lap (her older son Holden wouldn’t get “within 10 feet of Santa”) — Meli sends in a beautiful photo of her family — Adriana sends in a photo with her boyfriend Chris at PPG Place Plaza & Ice Skating Rink in Pittsburgh, PA over Thanksgiving weekend — Amanda from New Zealand sends in a great pic of the first every birthday cake she baked for her 8 year old son’s birthday … as you can guess, he is a BIG Pokémon fan who really loves Marill — Lionel, a beloved Pink reader, sends in the photo we took on Hallowe’en night when we randomly ran into one another at the West Hollywood Hallow’en Parade:
LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos!! Even tho little Parker looks really unhappy, it’s great to see that he is doing (relatively) well … and to hear that he is almost walking!! Thank you all SO MUCH for continuing to take the time to send in your amazing photos. They are so fun … I love them all. Please, keep ‘em coming! I know many of y’all have got great holiday parties coming up … send in your pics, y’all … share your fun with all of us ;D
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miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011
The 2011 Grammy Awards Nominations Have Been Announced
Huzzah!! Happy Day!! Felicitations!! Do you know what today is? Today is the day that we give thanks and celebrate the birth of the beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, living legend, icon of our generation, innovator, strong, kicks ass & takes names, doesn’t retaliate when people diss her – takes the high road, deserves a standing ovation at all times, QUEEN of all popdom … our dear Britney Spears:
While December 2 is not yet a national holiday, I still think that we should all take some time out of our day and send ALL OF OUR BIRTHDAY LURVE to our beloved Britney today. As you may have heard, there are some heinous rumors going on about Britney and her lovebird Jason Trawick — rumors that were so unbelievably ridiculous that I didn’t even both to mention them yesterday … but I will cover in a post later today — but let’s send her love and well wishes today to offset the horrible negativity that is plaguing her these days. IMHO Britney Spears truly is a living legend in her own way and I, for one, wish her the HAPPIEST of Birthdays today and many, many, many more Happy Birthdays to come!!
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joi, 3 noiembrie 2011
There Will NOT Be A Joker In The Next Batman Movie
Rumors have been circulating that Christopher Nolan was seriously thinking about including the Joker in The Dark Knight Rises, by either re-using some old footage from Dark Knight that was not used in the film, or by creating some sort of CG version of the Joker.
This rumor is False!
Nolan had previously said that he would [...]
This is so creepy!!!
A Milwaukee man is accused of killing a woman because she answered her phone while they were having sex!
46-year-old Garron Lewis was crying when he went to another man's house to tell him that he killed 44-year-old Sharron Dorsey.
Lewis admitted to strangling her with a belt after she answered the phone during sex.
The Milwaukee medical examiner's report says the woman died of asphyxiation due to strangulation.
OMG! Such a crazy and terrible story!!! This man needs to be put behind bars!!
[Image via AP Images.]
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miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011
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miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011
Blake Lively Lounges With Sexy Men For Savages!
Oooh la la!
Blake Lively has been parading around the beaches of Los Angeles with hunky men for her new movie (one can be seen lounging around with her in the pic above).
Aaron Johnson and Taylor Kitsch both play pot farmers in the upcoming Oliver Stone film, and that's not the only thing they have in [...]
After nearly a year, NOBODY bought the Duffster's old digs?!?!? For shame...
If you were waiting for the price to go down before snatching up Hilary Duff's $7 million Toluca Lake home, you're in luck because she's just lowered the price to $6.25 million!
For those of you who have the $$$ to spend, that's a pret-ty sweet deal for a 9,277 sq ft home, which features five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a library, wine cellar, gym, game room, swimming pool, and more.
Check out the photos (above, and below) to see if Hilary's old home is a good match for U!
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marți, 25 octombrie 2011
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duminică, 23 octombrie 2011
Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Hook Up At Disneyland!!!
Oooh, here's an interesting new couple alert!
Eva Mendes was all over Ryan Gosling Saturday during a trip to Disneyland.
The Place Beyond The Pines costars were seen holding hands, making out, and she even fed him!
It seems like she was into it way more than he was, though.
An observer explains:
Eva was skipping around like a little [...]
Last night, audiences watched The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills come back to television.
The series, which documented two years of Russell Armstrong's life before his tragic suicide, has fought hard to address his situation in the most respectful way.
Producers also wanted to make sure audiences know they weren't going to beat around the bush, either. Instead of pretending as if nothing happened, the season opened with the cast (minus widow Taylor) discussing his death and the importance of being there for Taylor (watch above).
As for Taylor, she may not have been present during the cast discussion, but as the episode rewound into the past, it showed her discussing the intense psycho-therapy sessions she and Russell participated in.
She exclaimed being sick of herself because she was so "knee-deep" in counseling, as Lisa Vanderpump's husband spoke up with, "If I had to go to see a therapist to make my marriage better, I would feel weak."
We personally believe counseling can help marriages. It's all about communication and discovering the root of your problems through question and answer. There's nothing weak about pulling yourself up for air! Nothing weak at all.
So, how do U feel Bravo handled the situation? Have they addressed it appropriately so far?
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sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2011
Eddie Murphy Frontrunner for Academy Awards Hosting Job
Though we're still many months removed from its air date, chatter about who will be following Anne Hathaway and James Franco as host(s) of this year's Oscars has become a hot topic as of late.
Insiders tell that the frontrunner to take command of the Kodak Theatre stage is Eddie Murphy - with the actor/comedian getting a boost in the race due to his ties with director Brett Ratner, who happens to be producing the ceremony this time around.
With an official announcement of the final selection to be made later this month, other potential candidates include Billy Crystal, who last hosted the show in 2004.
As for the ceremony, the 84th Academy Awards which will be airing live from Los Angeles on February 26, 2012.
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joi, 20 octombrie 2011
Susan Lucci Slams ABC Daytime Head For Canceling All My Children!
Well…we didn't expect her to take this all lying down!
Susan Lucci, who recently filmed her last scenes as Erica Kane on the canceled All My Children, has decided to write one nasty, pissed off epilogue to her memoir, All My Life, slamming ABC Daytime head Brian Frons as the sole blame for the soap's demise!
She [...]
Time to give it up!
Although the judge in Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial regarding the death of Michael Jackson previously ruled that the jury would NOT be sequestered, the doc's criminal defense team has filed an appeal on that decision!
As we've reported, although his lawyers argued that his right to a fair trial would be comprised otherwise, Judge Pastor, with full support of the DA's Office, was more concerned with the cost, which would exceed $500,000, as well as how difficult it would be to cut the members off from their families.
Jury selection officially begins September 8th, with the trial expected to start up in only a few short weeks.
Oh well! Too bad, so sad!
Good luck with that appeal, now!
[Image via WENN.]
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joi, 6 octombrie 2011
Jerry Lewis Will NOT Return As Host Of Muscular Dystrophy Telethon
Whomp, whomp.
Despite reports that said Jerry Lewis was back as host of his legendary Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon, airing September 4, it turns out, he won't be back.
Jerry's spokeswoman Candi Cazau said:
Him being reinstated as the host of the MDA telethon is not accurate.
Bummer!! Jerry's been hosting the telethon since 1966. What [...]
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miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011
HORRIBLE! Woman Mistaken For Dead Wakes Up At Her Own Funeral Then Dies From The Shock!
How could this even happen?! Absolutely HOrrific!
A Russian woman mistaken for dead reportedly awoke at her own FUNERAL, and then died of a heart attack for real!
Apparently, Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov collapsed at home after suffering from chest pains, and somehow, was incorrectly declared deceased by doctors. According to her hubsand, Fagili, it was only [...]
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Fitness Goals: How you can Commence The brand new Year The correct Way
In relation to obtaining began on your new yr fitness objectives, it is not always effortless to accomplish what you need. However, in the event you make sure which you start off as you mean to go on you'll definitely enhance the odds of good results. Here are a few tips on creating positive you obtain began the correct way.Publish Down Your Goals/ Strategy of ActionJust before anything, ensure you have got your objectives published down. You could have currently instructed an individual that your program was to exercise far more, but producing it down will make it more actual and aid to keep you accountable. You can even start off a weblog to document your good results in the event you truly want one thing to hold you accountable!Set A Begin DateNext, set a start off date and make certain that you simply start on that day. It most likely shouldn't be the first of January - we all know that all that partying the night just before can depart us sensation much less than energetic! As an alternative, start a date whenever you know you'll be prepared to place everything into it, maybe a few days later. Picking an exact date will stop you from placing it off (which we're all guilty of).Remove TemptationsThe cause why numerous of us choose to set fitness goals in the new yr is because the vacations are full of temptation. Foods and drink are each an essential component of this time of yr, but many of us feel the should detox afterwards. Now is really a good time to get rid of any temptations you may have left over. This implies stop purchasing snacks and keeping them in your property - forcing you to stroll for the store in the event you ever before get a craving - and throwing out or offering away any unhealthy treats left over through the holidays.Stock Up On Wholesome FoodsThe odds are that you'll still get the urge to snack, so it is critical to stock up on healthy meals. Purchase plenty of fruits and veg and keep them close by when you are working throughout the day and for following your routines. In case you don't have any unhealthy options then you'll be pressured to eat the healthy things as an alternative!Celebrate MilestonesDespite the fact that you have obtained an overall goal, it's critical to set smaller fitness goals for you to goal for along the way in which. This might imply exercising for 5 days inside a row, drinking a lot more drinking water every day, restricting your self to one chocolate bar a week, offering up soda and so on. Set your self one mini objective at a time to help keep yourself inspired to succeed.By making use of these straightforward tips, you are able to truly boost your probabilities of meeting your fitness goals by obtaining began inside the proper way. Excellent luck!
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miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
Beyonce Gives Props To Boyz II Men On Her New Album
Beyonce is giving the Motownphilly group some lovin'.
She'll be sampling Boyz II Men's Uhh Ahh on her upcoming album 4.
Having once given her and Destiny's Child a chance way back in the day, Bey says she just wants to pay homage to the group that treated her so well. She reveals:
"I wanted to do [...]
"I have a rep. Did I earn it? Yeah, I did. But, after awhile you sort of try to shed that rep because you're kind of a different person. You've evolved and all of the bad things you've done in your life have brought you to a much better place."
- Shannen Doherty, on her past diva behavior, to Parade Magazine
[Image via WENN.]
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vineri, 16 septembrie 2011
New Couple Alert?!
Aussie singer Delta Goodrem, recently split from her boyfriend of seven years, Brian McFadden, was spotted cozying up to none other than NICK Jonas on Sundayas the pair left the Arclight Cinema in El Lay!
Check out a photo of the twosome together (above)!
Delta is 26.
Nick is 18.
At least they have music in common???
[Image via Pacific [...]
Very few reporters and anchors have come out as being gay to the public while still performing their duties. Not only that, but even fewer have written books about their lives in a completely open fashion, despite fears of being shunned and public backlash.
This is what makes Don Lemon so inspirational.
It might have taken him 45 years (he looks much younger, mind you!) to come out publicly (literally to the public, close friends and family have known, including some coworkers at CNN), but he is not holding back any longer. His book tell of his struggle as a gay man reporting the news in the public eye, and having been molested as a child. Nothing is too personal.
And it took him a while to come to that point, there were definitely hesitations. But, as a reporter through and through, he felt it was his duty to hold himself, his own story, to that journalistic standard and give everyone the whole, unfiltered story:
“I’m scared. I’m talking about something that people might shun me for, ostracize me for. It’s quite different for an African-American male. It’s about the worst thing you can be in black culture. You’re taught you have to be a man; you have to be masculine. In the black community they think you can pray the gay away.
I abhor hypocrisy. I think if you’re going to be in the business of news, and telling people the truth, of trying to shed light in dark places, then you’ve got to be honest. You’ve got to have the same rules for yourself as you do for everyone else.â€
We are definitely behind you 100% in your decision to write this book. The strength it has taken to do so can't be calculated, and we support you!
Not only that, but, it's wonderful to hear that you support others in the gay community coming out:
“I think it would be great if everybody could be out. But it’s such a personal choice. People have to do it at their own speed. I respect that. I do have to say that the more people who come out, the better it is for everyone, certainly for the Tyler Clementis of the world.â€
We hear that, Don. It was such a tragedy what happened to Tyler, who tragically committed suicide after his roommate leaked footage of a homosexual encounter on the web.
You truly are someone to look up to, and we applaud you! Hope the book, Transparent, does well!
[Image via GBS.]
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