vineri, 30 septembrie 2011
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luni, 26 septembrie 2011
The Best Hip Hop Album of February 2011 The Greatest Story Never Told by Saigon
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duminică, 25 septembrie 2011
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sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2011
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joi, 22 septembrie 2011
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miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
Beyonce Gives Props To Boyz II Men On Her New Album
Beyonce is giving the Motownphilly group some lovin'.
She'll be sampling Boyz II Men's Uhh Ahh on her upcoming album 4.
Having once given her and Destiny's Child a chance way back in the day, Bey says she just wants to pay homage to the group that treated her so well. She reveals:
"I wanted to do [...]
"I have a rep. Did I earn it? Yeah, I did. But, after awhile you sort of try to shed that rep because you're kind of a different person. You've evolved and all of the bad things you've done in your life have brought you to a much better place."
- Shannen Doherty, on her past diva behavior, to Parade Magazine
[Image via WENN.]
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marți, 20 septembrie 2011
Top 5 Things To Bring To London
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luni, 19 septembrie 2011
Real Vampires
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duminică, 18 septembrie 2011
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sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011
Where You Can Find the Best Digital SLR Camera
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vineri, 16 septembrie 2011
New Couple Alert?!
Aussie singer Delta Goodrem, recently split from her boyfriend of seven years, Brian McFadden, was spotted cozying up to none other than NICK Jonas on Sundayas the pair left the Arclight Cinema in El Lay!
Check out a photo of the twosome together (above)!
Delta is 26.
Nick is 18.
At least they have music in common???
[Image via Pacific [...]
Very few reporters and anchors have come out as being gay to the public while still performing their duties. Not only that, but even fewer have written books about their lives in a completely open fashion, despite fears of being shunned and public backlash.
This is what makes Don Lemon so inspirational.
It might have taken him 45 years (he looks much younger, mind you!) to come out publicly (literally to the public, close friends and family have known, including some coworkers at CNN), but he is not holding back any longer. His book tell of his struggle as a gay man reporting the news in the public eye, and having been molested as a child. Nothing is too personal.
And it took him a while to come to that point, there were definitely hesitations. But, as a reporter through and through, he felt it was his duty to hold himself, his own story, to that journalistic standard and give everyone the whole, unfiltered story:
“I’m scared. I’m talking about something that people might shun me for, ostracize me for. It’s quite different for an African-American male. It’s about the worst thing you can be in black culture. You’re taught you have to be a man; you have to be masculine. In the black community they think you can pray the gay away.
I abhor hypocrisy. I think if you’re going to be in the business of news, and telling people the truth, of trying to shed light in dark places, then you’ve got to be honest. You’ve got to have the same rules for yourself as you do for everyone else.â€
We are definitely behind you 100% in your decision to write this book. The strength it has taken to do so can't be calculated, and we support you!
Not only that, but, it's wonderful to hear that you support others in the gay community coming out:
“I think it would be great if everybody could be out. But it’s such a personal choice. People have to do it at their own speed. I respect that. I do have to say that the more people who come out, the better it is for everyone, certainly for the Tyler Clementis of the world.â€
We hear that, Don. It was such a tragedy what happened to Tyler, who tragically committed suicide after his roommate leaked footage of a homosexual encounter on the web.
You truly are someone to look up to, and we applaud you! Hope the book, Transparent, does well!
[Image via GBS.]
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